Welcome New “Family” Members!
The Cook Family Foundation continues to grow and evolve to better serve the community. We are happy to announce the addition of several new staff members and two new board members. They each bring their unique skills to the “family” that carries on the legacy of our founders, engages with our partners, and guides our future philanthropy. None of us alone is as smart as all of us together, and the Foundation embodies this philosophy in its staffing and governance.
Rachel Osmer is our new Associate Director and will support the nonprofit and community organizations that work on the ground to improve Shiawassee County. She will also work closely with Yvette Collard, Director of Scholarships, who serves Shiawassee area students looking toward an education at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, UM-Flint, or UM-Dearborn.
Rachel grew up in Owosso and moved back several years ago. She obtained her undergraduate degree from UM in Ann Arbor with scholarship help from the Cook Family Foundation. She also has a Masters in Social Work from Eastern Michigan University. You may know her as a newly-elected Owosso City Council member (Congratulations, Rachel!). Most recently, she worked at UM-Flint supporting undergraduates who’ve experienced time in foster care. She is also on the Board of Shiawassee Hope. In her free time, she enjoys being an auntie to her three nieces, loves reading and exploring the public library, and savoring her daily coffee fix – especially from Ollie’s and Foster Coffee Co.
“I am excited about starting with the Cook Family Foundation because it almost feels like coming “home” for me. I am passionate about working with nonprofits, especially those that serve marginalized folks in our community. Working with the CFF is the perfect blend of returning home to work with my community, and also putting my macro level social work skills to use.”
Anna Owens and Tom Cook are now sharing the role of Executive Director for the Foundation. After 25 years as the sole Executive Director, Tom is now getting the help of his spouse, who will use her complementary skills to champion new community initiatives. Tom Cook will concentrate more of his efforts on the environmental priorities of the Foundation. Together, and with the support of an active board, they will direct the work of the Foundation.
Anna has an extensive track record in sales and fundraising in the community, having worked as a Vice President at Wolverine Sign and on the boards of the Lebowsky Center and the Shiawassee Family YMCA. She is excited to work with the Board and staff of the Foundation to help address community needs.
Lorraine Austin joins the team as Executive Assistant to support the increasing amount of work undertaken by the Foundation. Lorraine was born and raised in Owosso and completed her undergraduate degree at Purdue University and Master’s at UM-Flint. Most of her professional career was spent in conservation education, most notably at the Staten Island Zoo, where she orchestrated and marketed the organization’s educational programs (including ecotourism trips to Panama, Tanzania, Australia/New Zealand, the Peruvian Amazon, Alaska, and many whale watching excursions along the East Coast). Most recently, you may have seen her as the Interim Director of the Friends of the Shiawassee River. She lives in Owosso with her mother and her kitty companion Pearl.
“Working with the CFF allows me to flip from my life-long employment with nonprofits to serving them. One of the most exciting parts of the job is working in a strengths-based environment where we each excel and use our skills to better the organization as a whole.”
One new Trustee will further define the community orientation of the Cook Family Foundation. They join the board of Paul Cook, Tom Cook, Anna Owens, Bailey Leppert, Susie Philips, and Matt Van Epps, bringing to an even four the number of family members and community members on the board.
Ken Algozin lives in Owosso with his partner Linden Martin and completed his undergraduate degree at Purdue University, Master’s at MSU, and PhD at University of Illinois. He is currently retired, but has served as the Land Protection Specialist at Mid-Michigan Land Conservancy and Executive Director at DeVries Nature Conservancy. Most people who know Ken will recognize the value he brings to the CFF Board to provide focus on local environmental programming. Ken is an avid reader and enjoys backpacking in beautiful wild places.
“I am excited to serve on the CFF board for the opportunity to be involved in providing critical resources to organizations in our community that collectively contribute to the resiliency of our citizens and our natural resources.”
Let us celebrate these talented individuals and work collectively as essential parts of the Cook Family Foundation mission “to promote a more equitable society and positive community change”. We look forward to facing opportunities and challenges, progress and pitfalls, and successes and setbacks as a community. Together.