Summer Interns Support Shiawassee Area Nonprofits
The Cook Family Foundations wants success for both our best nonprofits and for our best students. We support community organizations through the NonProfit Capacity Building program, and we provide scholarships to the University of Michigan for graduates of ten area high schools. We also strive to bring these two program efforts together by supporting internships in Shiawassee County.
Our goal is to bring talented young people back to our community for a summer’s employment. This helps nonprofits by providing them with the best and the brightest to help with a definable project. This helps students by giving them an opportunity put their skills to work, learn more about their community from a new perspective, and gain additional financial support for their continued education. Here are accounts from recent internships:
Shiawassee Arts Center Welcomed Intern, Hunter Glew
University of Michigan Sophomore and 2017 Corunna High School Graduate, Hunter Glew, spent her summer helping the Shiawassee Arts Center’s Arts Education Director, Linda Ruehle, to plan and implement classes for both the senior’s and children’s art program. Hunter is studying Biopsychology, Cognition, and Neuroscience. She intends to eventually attain a doctoral degree to work as a professor and researcher with a focus on deaf culture, or her new-found interest–art therapy. Hunter noted, “I’ve now been able to see firsthand how the various art programs can take students away from outside stresses, and how it can create an outlet for all those participating. I am so thankful to have helped create that for so many people this summer.

Here’s Anna Clarizio (in pink) – during The Arc Summer Camp with (from L-R) Jesse McGuire, Allison Grubb, and Jonathan Hannifan at Junction of Hope Restaurant in Chesaning.
Summer Camp Help at the Arc Shiawassee from Intern, Anna Clarizio
Anna Clarizio, a Senior at Central Michigan University working toward a career in Special Education, interned with The Arc Shiawassee–assisting with the planning and execution of every aspect of the camp program. “Anna was a vital part of our six-week day camp for teens and adults with developmental disabilities this summer,” announced Executive Director, Lynn Grubb. “Without Anna, our program would not have been as successful. We are hopeful she will come back next summer and take over as Camp Program Director.”

Madison Van Epps (R) and Terry Horton (L) working the HepA outreach booth for the Shiawassee County Health Department.
Madison Van Epps – Shiawassee County Health Department Intern
University of Michigan Senior and Owosso High School graduate, Madison Van Epps, got involved in many aspects of the Shiawassee County Health Department this summer. Madison was responsible for the social media campaign in the county’s quest to raise awareness about Hepatitis A, as well as the data entry. In addition, she also handled the department’s “How did you hear about us” family planning survey, and enhanced the department’s social media and community presence by creating an Instagram account, as well as posters and videos, and even some give-aways. Another key duty involved interviewing local community stakeholders in order to conduct a needs assessment regarding what the Health Department could help with in the ongoing county problem of obesity. And lastly, Madison designed a new poster and rack card to give away at outreach events with the local SafeCenter called, Smart 911. “She did it all!” notes Larry Johnson, Shiawassee County Health Department Director.

Harrison Miller (Center) with Justin Horvath, SEDP President/CEO (L) and Brent Jones (R), Vice President at the newly refurbished Armory.
Meet Harrison Miller, Shiawassee Economic Development Partnership Summer Intern
Harrison Miller, a rising Junior at the University of Michigan studying Business Administration with an emphasis in marketing, got a chance to put some of his learning experience to work with the Shiawassee Economic Development Partnership (SEDP) throughout the summer. His projects included a major update of the organization’s website, and Harrison also provided research development for the organization in support of upcoming programming. President/CEO, Justin Horvath, shared, “Thanks to Harrison Miller for being part of the SEDP team this summer. We enjoyed having him as our intern, and are grateful for his contributions to our program.”