A Partnership Approach

Don and Cookie (Florence-etta) Cook

The Cook Family Foundation was created by Donald and Florence-etta Cook out of their desire to do good. This philanthropy continues as a testament to their values of hospitality, investment in the future, and loyalty to people and place.

Incorporated in 1979, the Cook Family Foundation received its IRS 501(c)(3) status as a private foundation in 1980. The Cook Family Foundation serves as both a resource for the Shiawassee County community and as a catalyst for positive change. We seek to establish partnerships with nonprofits and other institutions, and through communication with the leaders of those organizations identify mutual objectives and grant opportunities.

The video below presents a more complete history of the Cook Family Foundation and its primary benefactor, Don Cook. His son, Bruce Cook, reflects on his growing up in Owosso and the legacy of his work as embodied in the Foundation.
This video is 13 minutes long:

Bruce Cook has been leading the work at the Cook Family Foundation for more than 40 years. His contributions of time, effort, and wisdom have shaped the philanthropy of the Cook Family. In 2020, Bruce Cook sat down and reflected on his legacy in this 8 minute video:




Thomas B. Cook
Executive Director   Email Tom

Yvette Collard
Director of Scholarships
    Email Yvette

Rachel Osmer
Associate Director
Email Rachel

Board of Directors:

Paul Cook President

Bailey LeppertSecretary and Treasurer

Ken Algozin – Trustee

Anna OwensTrustee

Susie Phillips – Trustee

Matthew Van Epps – Trustee

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View our Annual Reports and Newsletters
View more information about Grants