Gearing Up: 2018 #GivingTuesday Community Campaign
In the simplest of terms, the #GivingTuesday global movement encourages people, as part of their holiday shopping and traditions with family, to think about making a donation (of time, talent or treasure) to help others. Last year the Cook Family Foundation matched online gifts of up to $50 to nine participating local nonprofit organizations. Together, over $18,000 was raised through 237 givers.

Over 70 Community Campaign leaders from Canada, Puerto Rico and all over the U.S., came together to share ideas and learn from each other at the recent #GivingTuesday Summit in Dallas, Texas.
Returning from a recent #GivingTuesday Community Leaders Summit in Dallas, Lorraine Austin and Yvette Collard (co-chairs of the local #GivingTuesday effort), have been energized by new friends, fresh ideas and renewed inspiration for #GivingTuesday 2018 – now just 175 days away! (November 27, 2018)
“Attending the summit certainly has inspired us, and really has us thinking about how we can best use what we’ve learned to invigorate our team’s efforts this year,” said Collard.
“The official kickoff for the Shiawassee #GivingTuesday 2018 campaign will be held June 14th at the Memorial HealthCare Cancer Center’s conference room at 10am with this year’s nonprofit participants–currently numbering seventeen organizations!”
Summing-up what they’ve learned, Austin and Collard identified the following “10-step” highlights:
- #GivingTuesday is NOT just about giving, it’s about ENGAGEMENT
- Action plan should be developed by consensus of group
- ImpACT – it’s #GivingTuesday, not #FundraisingTuesday, which means you want to accept all forms of giving: time,skills, voices, money, and local impact–as part of a global movement
- Start with a clear, unified, measurable goal: think about what you are trying to accomplish and set individual goals (both action and financial) and the key–the goal must be directly related to the organization’s story
- Come up with, “borrow”, USE new ideas (see “ideas” google document for specifics)
- Bring in business/governmental leaders for support
- Reach/Engage/Include younger supporters (HS students and other youth groups)
- Training – various types (see “ideas” google document for specifics) but realize that technology is changing everything and inspiring individual participation in nonprofits
- Plan a kickoff event
- Sign up your community campaign on the national #GivingTuesday website
Questions? Contact Yvette Collard ( or Lorraine Austin (
(Note: A preliminary “ideas” document has been shared with kickoff invitees as well as on social media, and can be accessed here: 2018 #GivingTuesdayShiawassee – Ideas from #GivingTuesday Summit)