Foundation Works to Increase Access to Education

Owosso High School was one of 14 schools to receive donated menstrual products. From left to right, Kerry Dutcher and Bailey Leppert from the Cook Family Foundation and Jessica Thompson, Karen Van Epps, and Steve Irelan of the Owosso Public Schools
The Cook Family Foundation has donated over $2,900 worth of menstrual products to 14 area schools to help local female students. After learning of the need for these products at Owosso High School, Anna Owens, Kerry Dutcher, and Bailey Leppert of the Foundation reached out to other local schools to find out if they also needed donations of menstrual products and received a resounding yes from many schools.
Research shows this is a national problem. Nearly a quarter of students struggle to afford menstrual products in the US, according to a study from 2021, and more than half have worn menstrual products for longer than recommended. Girls often stay home from school if they do not have access to the menstrual products that they need, losing valuable classroom instruction time and creating a sense of isolation from their peers.
The Cook Family Foundation donated menstrual products to 14 schools, including Owosso High School and Middle School, Lincoln High School, Central, Bryant, and Emerson Elementary Schools, Chesaning High School and Middle School, Durand High School and Middle School, Ovid-Elsie High School and Middle School, and Morrice High School and Middle School. “We hope these products can help students feel comfortable to stay at school during their periods and know that others in the community care about them and want to provide them the tools for their success,” said Leppert. “Supporting students by supplying menstrual products is one way we can work towards our mission of a healthy community where all children have access to the best education.”
“We hope our donation will encourage other organizations, civic groups, and businesses to make donations to our schools” said Anna Owens. “Students need support, in terms of school supplies, winter clothes, and even food, as well as personal care items. We thank all those who have helped students succeed; we can all do our part.”