Through the Shiawassee Advantage, the Cook Family Foundation offers at least a $3,000 scholarship to all Shiawassee area students who are admitted to University of Michigan–any one of their three campuses. (Clickhere for full details regarding our scholarship work.) We encourage the best and brightest high school graduates from the greater Shiawassee County region to pursue an education at a premier university, including the world class University of Michigan. If you are a Shiawassee area senior (or rising senior) and are interested in the University of Michigan (any of their campuses) please read more about our scholarship programs and look at the FAQs and testimonials. Most importantly, fill out an application for our scholarship. This will make it possible for us to give you the most help. For Michigan residents, UM may be your most affordable option and is certainly a great value.
In addition to helping students receive scholarships and the maximum amount of financial aid, the Foundation is committed to providing top students advice and help throughout their high school years on up through and beyond the application process (and through the Shiawassee Scholars program, which is expertly run by the Shiawassee Regional Education Services District’s, Kelsee Gewirtz.) To that end we try to round up expert information and share with students and parents. See below for our upcoming scholarship-related events and how to participate.
Financial Aid Workshop
Wednesday, February 19, 2025 6-8pm
Baker College Welcome Center
Applying for financial aid is perhaps the most important, and most complex, task many a high school senior will undertake. To help academically talented students sort through this process, the Cook Family Foundation is holding a workshop on Wednesday, February 19 from 6-8 p.m. at the Baker College Welcome Center in Owosso.
A representative from the University of Michigan Office of Financial Aid will provide important information about qualifying for financial aid, as well as some useful tips on making college more affordable. U-M is the only public university in Michigan to cover 100 percent of demonstrated financial need of in-state students, Learn more HERE.
While the workshop will provide particular insight to financial aid from the University of Michigan, the presentation will be applicable no matter what four-year university a student ends up attending. The first step for any prospective college student is to fill out the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), which is now available—this is the form used by all institutions of higher learning.
To qualify for financial aid from UM, students and their families will also need to complete a CSS Profile.
Students and/or their parents are invited to attend the February 19th workshop. Please contact us if you have questions (call us at: 989-725-1621 or email us at: To keep up-to-date on financial aid, scholarships, and other UM information follow us on Twitter @GoBlueGoBruce or Instagram @thecookfamilyfoundation
We believe that Shiawassee nonprofits should have access, locally, to experts in nonprofit management, and we bring presenters to our community for free educational programs. If you’d like to participate and are not already a member of our Shiawassee NonProfit Capacity Building program, please email Rachel Osmer at: or call 989-725-1621.
Upcoming Public and Partner Events with Nonprofit Network
Topic: Safeguarding Your Organization: Building Strong Financial Practices and Preventing Fraud
Date: Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Time/s: 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM ET (US and Canada)
Location: Hybrid – Baker Welcome Center (1020 S Washington St. Owosso 48867 – Conference Room B) and on Zoom
Collaborative Support: Peer Partner Events (Partners Only)
Date: February 11, 2025
Time/s: 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM ET (US and Canada)
Getting the month started off right! These Peer Support events will be highly supportive and interactive opportunities to share lessons learned. These events will help you be responsive to current issues, staffing, or whatever else you want to discuss.
Register for Feb 11, 2025
**Please note**
If you are a member of our NonProfit Capacity Building Program and would like to see a workshop brought to our area, we would consider supporting this effort IF you collaborate with at least two other nonprofits on your chosen topic for Nonprofit Network (or another facilitator) to present, AND IF each participating organization can commit to bring at least five members of their organization (Board Members, Staff, Volunteers, etc.) to the workshop.
Feel free to contact Rachel Osmer (989.725.1621) or the professionals at Nonprofit Network (517-796-4750) for more information on any session topic, or to determine if collaborating to coordinate a future session would be right for you and your organization.
For more information on workshops, our other learning opportunities and to learn more about the NonProfit Capacity Building program click here: Capacity Building Participation.