Nonprofit Capacity Building Program

Through its NonProfit Capacity Building Program, the Cook Family Foundation works with nonprofit organizations based in Shiawassee County to help them strengthen their ability to carry out their mission.

PARTNERS:  Nonprofits in Shiawassee County may participate in the NonProfit Capacity Building (NPCB) program and work with the Nonprofit Network  to develop an organization-specific Action Plan.  To be eligible, the nonprofit organization must meet these requirements:

  • serve Shiawassee County residents
  • have board members who are Shiawassee County residents
  • be based in Shiawassee County, or demonstrate how the local needs of Shiawassee communities are assessed and addressed within the organization
  • have a paid executive director*
  • have a 501(c)(3) nonprofit determination letter from the IRS, and be registered in Michigan*
  • not discriminate in the delivery of services on the basis of race, gender, religious affiliation, or sexual orientation
  • not be an organization whose primary purpose is the promotion or support of religious activity or association

Organizations that have filed for legal recognition and are working toward hiring a staff person may be considered for membership. While Cook Family Foundation prefers to work with 501c3’s, other 501c’s may also be eligible. The Cook Family Foundation will consider mission, board structure and funding sources, paying particular attention to the organization’s ability to be innovative, adaptive and sustainable. We cannot provide expertise in political or governmental issues.  Contact the Foundation office for more details.

Partner Benefits

  • membership in Nonprofit Network (Click here for more information) including website access
  • invitation to educational workshops and webinars for board members and staff
  • invitation to executive directors to attend network support events


Our current Nonprofit Capacity Building Partners 

These nonprofit organizations have joined the Nonprofit Capacity Building Program and have made a commitment to capacity building.  The Cook Family Foundation is proud to support their work.


To become a Partner, please contact Rachel Osmer,, PH: 989.725.1621.